Charity Mobile provides services to customers who already have their own 5G or 4G/LTE phone(s) or 4G/LTE tablet(s). However, not all devices are compatible with our service. The easiest way to determine the compatibility of your device is to enter and Validate the IMEI number.
The 15-digit IMEI number is typically found within Settings on your device.
Additionally, "Bring your own devices" will require a Charity Mobile SIM card or eSIM. Click here for more details about SIM card and eSIM requirements.
NOTE: Tablets can only be used for data, and cannot be used for calls or messages.
For a detailed explanation of our device requirements, or to determine if your existing device may be compatible with our service, please call us toll-free at 1-877-474-3662, chat with us using our Live Chat, or e-mail us at support@charitymobile.com.