Do you offer usage notifications?
Charity Mobile offers usage notifications for our mobile services. This convenient free service automatically alerts you via text message to your phone(s) when you approach or exceed your minute and/or data allotment(s) for the current billing cycle. Usage notifications via text message are automatically enabled for all services on all plans.
If you wish to receive a copy of usage notifications via e-mail in addition to (or instead of) text messages, you will need to change the Usage Alerts setting for any/all lines in the My Account portal to "Text and Email Alerts" or "Email Alert Only". You will need to add one or more e-mail addresses under My Profile if none exist on your account. All e-mail addresses on your account will receive usage notifications.
Usage notifications are sent when you exceed the following thresholds:
- For Minutes, you will receive notifications when you exceed 80%, 100%, and 150% of your minute allotment(s).
- For Data, you will receive notifications when you exceed 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, and 200% of your data allotment(s).
Usage notifications are sent once the usage we have processed exceeds the thresholds above. However, usage may take between a few hours and a few days to be received from our cellular systems. As a result, there may be additional usage that has already occurred, but has not yet been processed at the time a usage notification is sent. Usage notifications will be sent as quickly as possible, based on the processing capabilities of our systems and the time of day.
All usage notifications sent via text message are free of charge. Usage notifications are sent from our 513-548-3395, 513-548-3708, and 513-548-3862 phone numbers. Please do not call these phone numbers, and do not reply to usage notifications. Our usage processing systems are automated, and we are unable to retrieve or respond to any calls or messages to these phone numbers.